Thursday, November 27, 2008

26th November:- Mumbai Terrorist Attack!

Today while coming back from the office I noticed a strange kind of scary air blowing away on the streets, buses & trains of my Mumbai Nagari. The huge hassel & bustel had narrowed down on the streets, buses & trains never seemed so empty on week days, nor either on weekends too. All the colleges, schools, shops, hawkers... almost the whole charm that shines in the heart of the city were shutdown, due a major Terrorist Bomb Attack last night at the most luxurious Taj Mahal and Oberoi Trident Hotel.
All the television channels, radios, newspapers are flooded again with the the reports of injuries, survivals & deaths witnessed by the spectators at the tragic locations. This extending phase of terrorism is leaving a haunt of fear on the minds of every Mumbaikar. Everyone knows though its not for the first time that Mumbai is going through all this... all over again, still everyone wants to know who is the culprit behind all this... forget Mumbai they have not even spared the rest of Indian cosmos like Delhi, Bangalore, Jaipur & Ahmedabad. Are they the same people? What do they really want? What are they upto actually? Which is their next target point? Till when will they keep on destroying lands?....... So many roaring unanswered questions awaits the reply of the culprit for those innocent victims on whom nobody gave a damn shed of tear to! :.(

Though I didn't see the face of terror marching around me, I still could observe a silent fear on every face be it while I was in the office, walking on the street or inside the train. The grapevines are even more mind blasting than the terror blasting in the city. Its time again when we Mumbaikars have to stand unitedly & challenge the face of terror... show them that they'll never be able to shake the spirit of our dreamland Mumbai. Yes! its time to be brave, becoz. bravery knows no caste, no religion, no creed & no gender... it only knows yourself... becoz. Brave is You! :)
Living with a thought of not leaving hope in bad times & spend good times in celebrating joy of success - thatz what a true Mumbaikar is known for. Even though the face of terror will paralyse the city several times... still we will stand up together to save our dreamland who has taught us why is it so much necessary to stand on our own feet to live a life of ones own vision.
Times of pleasure or Times of terror.... God Bless Mumbai cum whatever.... Mumbai was, is & will always Keep Rocking forever! :)

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