Friday, June 15, 2012

A Star For A Superstar- MADHURI DIXIT NENE- From Dreams To Reality!

It was yet another lazy afternoon in the month of March, when while sitting on my PC, watching Madhuri Dixit's pictures from the Madame Tussauds Function, a random thought of doing something special for her upcoming birthday in May {which was obviously far off then!} ,  struck my mind.What special could I do for  someone who has almost everything one could crave for?-It was an irony of its own in me thinking about something like this. The very next day, I saw an article in a local newspaper about someone buying a land on moon or so. I found it vague at the first , and totally ignored it after a single read. The same day, while browsing on the net, I randomly searched for  Stars, Astronomy, etc. I found a link for a website claiming that we could actually BUY A STAR for someone or rather NAME A STAR after someone we adore. I was very keen on knowing more about this. With the upgradation of technology today, almost everything  we wish to do has become possible. STAR FOUNDATION gives one such chance to you wherein you can name a star as gift to someone special. For details, check: 

Being fascinated by this idea of having a star named after someone, I thought why not I try naming a star after MADHURI DIXIT , for her birthday?..It sounded  soo good.. But practically, it was a very tough task. Within no time, I shared the idea with members of my fangroup and most of them loved it. Obviously  I had to explain to each of them what it actually meant to Name-a-Star for someone as it is something nobody would've actually thought of  :D . We began the planning about naming the star, putting across names of people who would have wished to contribute for this gift! We were stuck at a point when none of us from India could've actually purchased the Certificate online easily, since it was abroad. But this problem got solved too as one of the members abroad readily agreed to undertake the transaction and bring the certificate along during her trip to India.
Within a few days, I had seen the Scanned copy of the Star Certificate and it looked amazing. I  had by now told about my plans to Shaina who was a part of  Madhuri's  pivotal team. She  loved the plan too and readily agreed to help us. But, there was a problem, yet again. Madhuri was supposed to be out of town during the month of May ! Nonetheless, I didn't mind presenting her the gift even in the coming month.I was promised that the fanclub members would surely get a chance to meet her in June!

Time flew by, and now it was 15th of May,2012- And there was an article published in a Marathi Newspaper-Maharashtra Times, about the plans of our gift to Madhuri ! It was a big  big thing  for us fans when this happened-All thanks to a reporter, Prasad, who, also being a MD fan, was a part of this gift plan!Without his efforts , that article would've never been even written!!
 And soon.... The final day when we as  group were going to present her the certificate came!!!!! On the 14th of June,2012, we were given a chance to meet the Empress, yet again, and present her the certificate!Here are few details about how it all went happened! :

 We , a group of 13 fanclub members, reached the Studios at 2 pm.We waited for a while in the canteen of the studios wherein we were showing each other the gifts we had brought for Madhuri! Sumalika bought a amazing crystal for her , fascinated looking at which, we began taking its pictures. Bhagyashree had a big album of Madhuri Pics made which was fab. Smita too had  a small album with her collection. Pallavi had an amazing painting of Madhuri which she wanted her to sign and also a booklet with some well Photoshopped images of MD.
Once we had some cold drinks in the canteen, we came out, and waited outside the main JDJ sets, since the shoots inside had already begun. In midst of all this, once, while me , Smita and Bhagyashree were outside the canteen, to talk about how to go about ahead, we saw Sonakshi and Akshay in their costumes who were there for the poster shoot of Joker.I have met both of them before! {Actually Akshay-twice!-Just GK for u guys ! :P }

The sets looked lavish and the props being taken inside in between for the shoots were gigantic.While we waited, we saw the pretty Preity Zinta enter the sets to meet the judges. Some people of the group tried taking a small jhalak of MD by peeping in the sets whenever the Jail-like door opened. Everyone who saw her, said she was looking amazing! Preity came out in a while. We were still awaiting the moment when the group would come face to face with MDN.

A while later, while we waited patiently, the break time finally began  and Madhuri came out to go back to her van for her lunch. She looked DROP DEAD GORGEOUS in an amazing western black outfit!I know I use the same  adjectives for her over and over again...I cant find any new ones...Would be grateful if someone could help me out with some new ones! :D
 She looked at us for a glance and waved at us, obviously knowing, what we were there for !
She went to her van for having her lunch while we waited inside the JDJ sets, watching the rehearsals going on there. One of the members from the group-Harshada, had to leave as she had some personal committments. But, before leaving, she gave me a packet of Uhmm..I dunno wht to call it..'Fanas i.e Jackfruit snack' which is popular among Maharashtrians, for MD!.I assured her I would give it to her once we get to meet MD.

After waiting till 5 pm, at around 5:10 pm {yeah, I remember the time!;) } , we were called in groups  inside Madhuri's van. As I entered, 2 others, April (The fan who brought us the certificate from abroad) and her friend,who were already inside, before me were already talking to MD. She recognised April as she met her before last year. Looking at me, she said , "Hiee.. Yaa I know most of you guys ..".She definitely knows what I look like {Good or bad-wtever!} atleast by now.Its my 6th meet! I removed the booklet I had made for her from my bag, and gave it in her hand. She opened it and smiled seeing the first page which had her childhood pictures and exclaimed, "Ohh...My childhood pics!!!!!!!" . She sure had a smile on her face. That was my  main aim in presenting the booklet-To make her smile!MISSION SUCCESSFUL!;). I also removed the Jackfruit snack packet  and gave it to her saying its from Harshada. At first everyone laughed seeing the packet, but then she was sweet enough to accept it as a gift from a fan and make it-This is what I love about her-Her nature!
Shaina told her about the cake that we had brought. She thanked us for it. I quickly mentioned that it was the same cake that I had cut on her birthday and tweeted her about.

We then presented to her the certificate which she said,"My kids have been really excited about this Star thing ever since  its been told about!".I was reallyyy happy knowing that she appreciated the idea about the star gift. I remember seeing Sumalika  extremely thrilled, not able to believe whats happening in front of her eyes, in the van and everyone telling her to chill  and take a deep breath and believe whats happening!She was even more happy when MD told something in Bengali for her after she came to know that she had come all the way from Kolkata. MD also congratulated her on her exam results.Madhuri opened Sumalika's gift-The crystal and loved it. I remember her saying,"I hope it does not fall", before taking it in her hand. 

While taking the group pic, I also told MD about the LIFE OK promos that I had been following and the one promo which the channel ate up :x. She enquired about the same with Shaina. I remember asking her how was the dance on JDJ as the previous day she tweeted about her performance on JDJ for the next day. However, she told me, that she would be shooting for it tomorrow i.e the next day.
We took few pictures and then  I waited with the camera while the  next group followed wherein Komal , Hemal ,Sai and Abhijit  got in the van to meet her. 
 Komal was the most lively in front of MD. She was nervous but she spoke. I mentioned to MD that Komal shares her birthday with MD. Madhuri recognised her as KK from Twitter and said , "Ohh..shes ones among my big fans from twitter". She also mentioned about the past when had tried to meet MD at a FOOD FOOD function but was unable to because her age was under 18. 

Sai told few things to MD like wishing to watch HAHK with her which MD was shocked to know {Obviously!} .Hemal and Abhijit got personal autographs from her.They were mesmerised by her charm since it was their first meet .{PS: I still am!Be it any of my meets with her,.. I always get nervous in front of her. This time round, I found this out, when I was cursing my cam for having been slower in the clicks but came to know that I myself was unstable , with shivers doing arounds within me.I wonder why that happens always.I have met many-a-stars.Its never happens when I meet them.Y here then?Caution:Thats the MADHURI Magic! :D :D :D }

Bhagyashree showed her the BIG Album she made. She readily signed it. Ditto for Pallavi's painting.She remembered Smita as Maddy Smita from Twitter and gave her autographs as well.Prasad also got an autograph on a DEVDAS notebook he owned.
I remember having one last glance at her face before leaving the van and she was still smiling , very enthusiastically meeting her admirers. Thats the moment, I made a decision-One fine day, probably 10-12 years down the line, whenever I  grow up to be a professionally secured individual, I would definitely try publishing a book about my meets with Madhuri Dixit . I have had a dream in the past to meet Madhuri Dixit, which has already been coming true, for years now!.Lets see, how this dream shapes up and what are destiny's plans for the future! {Incase it does, for those of you, who are already asleep reading this long narrative, you may skip buying the book-its okayy :(}
People from the fangroup keep thanking me for helping them meet their Dream Diva , but, in true sense of word, Its actually in their destiny-They have liked Madhuri Dixit Nene- Someone so inexplicably down-to-earth that  even God can't leave their wish to meet her unfulfilled!..And the angelic team surrounding her!!!There must'be no celebrity in this world who has such a fabulous team who have the power to make Dreams come true, over and over again!In what words do I thank them? Here's a  big THANK YOU for them, but , even a Lac thank you's to them, wouldn't be enough!

" I have met stars... I have met superstars... I have also met MADHURI DIXIT , a star, whose reference  has now made its way to the skies above too, in the  form of the name of a Star up there, in the Orion constellation"

Search for a star named 'Madhuri Dixit Nene' here: 
You'd know-How a dream, became a reality!
Take care.

MADHURI DIXIT Tweets about our groups gift:

Maharashtra Times , Pune Edition :

