Friday, December 17, 2010

!~13th to 16th December, 2010- The Best Moments of My Life~!

They say God listens to all what you pray for, be it in your mind or be it through your actions. I have always been believing in this and hoped that my dreams too would come true one day. Well, I did not have an iota of idea that God was actually listening..and he granted that damn soon.!Ever since I was a small kid I have been adoring MADHURI DIXIT on screen and always had a desire to meet her once in life...And..Those Days from 13th to 16th December.....God heard all what I wanted..........!!Here's a detailed briefing on the happenings on the above dates:

13th December, 2010

It was 9 -9:30 am on that morning when I was standing in a bus , on my way to my college for a regular lecture. Suddenly my cell phone rang. "Kalpak calling" is what flashed on it. I picked the phone in a jiffy, had a small conversation with Kalpak about what I was doing on the day. He brought to my notice that Madhuri Dixit was an expected guest at all well known college that morning at around 10 am. He couldn't go and try attending that function as he had an exam the next day. I told him that I had an lecture to attend and so I too couldn't make it. He told me that I could still try...after all it was for Madhuri Dixit!...I replied saying that "Well lets see how it goes..."
In around the next 40 minutes I reached the college. Post mingling with friends and having small talks I told them that I should've been at the function Madhuri was attending, and not at college today. To this, some friends, knowing my fanatism for LA Dixit, insisted that I should try and go there!..Some even wanted to accompany me...but I couldn't afford missing that lecture for this sake.Over the matter one friend remarked, "Its Your Madhuri, Nitesh...!When would you get this chance again?"..and I calmly replied, "I'd surely meet her, if destined to!"
Things went on normally for the rest of the day. It was as casual and boring as always. I had a special meeting that evening with someone close to Madhuri Dixit. I was trying on to get passes for Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa and the meeting was at Inorbit Mall, that same evening, at 7:30-8. I was too sceptical to go , firstly because, had it been late, I would miss THE FIRST EPISODE OF JHALAK DIKHHLA JAA 4, with MADHURI's dance on it..!...and secondly, There was a level of nervousness as I am bad at socialising easily.

I was told to reach the given place and give a call to the concerned person at 8 pm post reaching. I had no damn clue about what event was gonna take place at that mall, that evening, that would have a significant impact on me. Then, I heard from Smita, yet another crazy Madhuri fan like me, that someone on Twitter had tweeted that "JHALAK DIKHHLA JAA's EPISODE 1 Screening supposed to be held at a Mumbai Multiplex". This news left me thinking about could there be a connection between me meeting that concerned person and The JHALAK SCREENING?.
I had called a good friend,Nisheeth, to the mall for company and also to make me reach home, incase I faint seeing Madhuri Dixit, if at all, all those clues were supposedly linked together!. Reaching up till the second floor of the Mall, I saw Tight Security with a number of guards spread all around the floor. The entry to FAME ADLABS @ Inorbit was split into 2 different entries, one for common viewers , another for Special People. After Nisheeth reached the place, we were standing on the other side of the special entry, waiting , wondering what was next in store for us!I got an SMS from the person who had called me there, that he would be reaching there in 15 minutes. I had gitters in my stomach with certain unexpected thoughts coming to my mind , with one among them being I WAS INVITED TO THAT SPECIAL SCREENING MADHURI DIXIT WAS EXPECTED AT THE SCREENING ANY MOMENT!

25 Minutes passed. Many celebrities made a grand entry to the theatre. Many of those beautiful people were courteous enough to pose for photos I wished to click, some among them being Mona Singh, Renuka Shahane, Yana Gupta, Ragini Khanna and Salman Khan{DID Fame}. It was long now. We had been waiting since almost 1.5 hrs! Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa's first episode had already begun...........and I had missed it...............HOW COULD I MISS MY MADHURI's first comeback show's first episode, and that too when she was performing on it!...I couldn't curse myself enough...This was the only point of discussion and debate between Me and Nisheeth at that moment. And in midst of all this, an SMS stating. "COME DOWN" came. Not a moment did we wait after reading that........!..................We ran as though we were to catch a Rajdhaani Local.!....And in the blink of an eye, we were on the ground floor. Now the floor was soo damn big, Where down should we have gone?...where do we search that concerned person??????To avoid further confusion over all these arising questions, I called up the person to ask where do I meet them. I was called at the Parking lot. I began searching for it...ultimately landed over there...only to have 3-4 people stand on my head asking me questions like, "Who are you?"" Madhuri Fan????Who called you here?""You are not allowed to wait here!!!!!!!"..It took me deep breaths and few stammering words, along with giving them my phone to speak to the person who called me there, post which they were finally convinced and allowed me and Nisheeth to wait there. And I soo knew, what was going to happen next....I soo knew that I didn't expect this to happen soo soon..I soo knew that the moments to come ahead, would be the most cherished moments for my entire life ahead....Well, on one hand, I knew all this was coming my way soon...and on the other, I was trembling with fear, as to how would I face someone I have adored every since I was a 4 year old kid!..I told Nisheeth that incase anything happens to me, handle it out. We both, along with those 3 people, stood there, waiting for that car to come...
And..finally the car arrived!It had many a people inside it. That concerned person came out, shook hands with me. But my eyes, were searching for someone else. That was an enlighting moment...A Beauty draped in an amazingly designed Red colored Gujrati saree, walked out of the car. It was an inexplicable feeling when I lifted my eyes up to see who it was!...No guesses about this...Yes..It was Madhuri Dixit!:)

That concerned person introduced me to her as her fan. I said Hello Ma'am and gave her my hand for a hand-shake. She shook them with that 1000 volt smile on her face........OMG....Was this a dream...????????!!!!!!! Then, we walked together till the lift door. I told her," Ma'am, I am a huge huge fan of yours. I can't even believe I am walking with you!" ...And she laughed :)
I thought that was it and post telling me about the Jhalak passes, I would be told to go back home...But..NO....The best and bestest was yet to come!!!!!!!!!!

As the lift door opened, Madhuri , along with the guards and the important people, went inside. To my surprise, I and Nisheeth, were also called inside the lift!I went inside the lift....I was standing right next to HER....I really felt like, I have reached Heaven, and am standing next to an Angelic all this was too hard to believe!!!!! And Then I smiled again looking at her. She smiled back. I could stand there all day long looking at her that magnetic smile.......that was her charm......!....I thought, now is the moment I could speak, so I began speaking to her . I told her about our ORKUT Fan Club of her's and also about me coming on Jhalak Sets on the coming week to see her. She said , "Ya...sure...!Would see you there :)". Then , one among the people in the lift..told me, "Arre show her your t-shirt na...the one you are wearing..."...I had almost forgotten I was wearing a JHALAK T-Shirt Inside my Shirt...I then showed the same to her. She was really happy seeing it...All she could say was, " Sooo sweet of U!!!!"Well, those words were MORE THAN ENOUGH !.....All my efforts in making that t shirt finally became fruitful! :)

I kept looking at her all through the time we were in lift...and she kept smiling....I wished time to stop there for that moment..and never move ahead...! Finally..The Second Floor soon as the lift door opened, there were soo damn many cameras focusing at that door...Gosh..thats Stardom....or Shud I say...STAR DUM.. :)
As we walked out...all the cameras flashed..with clicks..We were now on the other side of the entry...IN THE SPECIAL GUESTS ENTRY!.....Walking...oops..running as fast as we could..inside..the Entry door....,while Madhuri followed us, behind..She took a while as she had to pose for individual snaps for the media, just like the other celebs did.She then entered inside..and there she waited to give some media bytes and small interviews about how she was feeling regarding the first episode of Jhalak..and how she felt post coming back from abroad!During her those interviews, I tried capturing a few pictures...which would remain a TREASURE for me..all my life..!
Once the media bytes were over, MD rushed inside the screening..I was sceptical about, whether I should be following her inside or not, but my footsteps still followed her way...That's when that concerned person called out my name..and told the security guards outside the theatre entry to take me and Nisheeth inside..!!!!!!!! How much more of surprises and unexpected delights could I expect for a day??...I think maybe God wished to fulfill all my desires ever since I was 4 till the age of 20 on that single day!:D

...And what could be next??...We entered the screening...Were made to sit in the VIP Section...I sat exactly below Madhuri!!!!And, then I could hear MD & other behind asking me and friend,"Samosa's khaaoge?".I was still soo speechless and dumbstruck that I really didn't know how to react...My stomach was totally full for the day without having had any food!..So I said a NO to the offer. I could see a surprised expression on Madhuri's face after my reply...Dunno why she was surprised though!:P... Finally the screening on 70 MM Screen of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa BEGAN!...I was in a tense situation. It was hard for me to decide where should I look-in front at the screen where Jhalak's episode had begun or behind me, where the Queen Of Crores of Hearts was sitting!..Madhuri's performance began on screen..That had been the best ever performance of hers ever since years!..Loved her in each and every frame..!!! I felt like shouting , whistling and even dancing..but was too conscious to even move or utter a word...mainly because...Madhuri Dixit was sitting right behind me!During the entire screening, whenever Madhuri tapped her foot, I could feel it on my seat...and I would always be stumped, everytime I experienced those shakes and movements! Time passed by and just like all good things had to come to an end, so had the screening..!After the screening, I looked at Madhuri and said.."Ma'am, I wanted a picture with you!". Madhuri replied, "Later..not now ".Looked like she was in a hurry to leave.....It was past 11 pm. so I felt what she said was absolutely fine. The concerned person assured me a pic with her saying, "You are coming on Thursday le lena :)".I was happy hearing this.Madhuri quickly ended the media session on the mike and rushed out. This was mainly because her mother was unwell and she had to go back to see her {as per News Reports}. I left soon after along with Nisheeth.

This day of 13th December, began as such a routine one, and ulimately turned out to be soo special that It wouldn't ever be forgotten by me in life.I Thank God for hearing all my prayers and to everyone else who knows me..WHENEVER I SAID ,I AM A HUGE MADHURI DIXIT FAN, I MEANT IT!...I STILL AM AND WILL REMAIN ONE ALL MY LIFE :)

The Next 2 Days-14th and 15th December,2010
Reaching home late night at 12 on 13th December, the first things I did was to share all the details about my experience of that day with all the Madhuri Fanclub mates I am in personal contact with. They were all very very happy for me, at the same time, envied me , as they wished they were with me...or maybe they were in my place!...Well, that envy showed their fanatism for Madame M and was totally normal on any fan's side.
Moving on then...Obviously that was a night when I could've easily sung, "Mujhe Neend Naa Aaye"....Flashes of whatever happened that evening kept occuring off and on in my mind. I shared my joy with my family too. Everyone was overwhelmed and very happy that my dream came true. They congratulated me and engrossingly looked at every pic I took at the event.
Next morning seemed soo different. It was all appearing soo new..soo fresh...just as it would to any person who had just fulfilled his dream...biggest dream ever! I went to college as usual. But what was different was that I shared my last evening's experience with all my friends there. While half of them didn't believe me, some gave an usual reaction , as for them, me meeting a celeb was nothing new, but, there were few who were truly overjoyed hearing about my experience. While the day finished in a flick, all I was wondering was , what was in store for me on the coming Thursday....

The next day, was Wednesday, 15th of December. I wanted that day to get over soon, but I also had too many things to do for the next day...1) Buy gift for my dad's 60th b'day, which was coincidentally on 16th December, 2) Complete my Madhuri Scrapbook, 3) Coordinate with the show organisers regarding our group attending the event....All of this went totally well...I spent almost 4 hours that night, from 9:30 pm to 1:30 am making my Madhuri Scrapbook as lovely as possible, leaving its first page blank, with a hope for an autograph from her. Finishing my scrapbook, I packed all the things I required to carry with me the next day to the sets, one among them being that Jhalak T-Shirt which Madhuri saw me dressed in. Since it was late night now, I kept a morning alarm for 5 am and dozed off with dreams of what could happen the coming day...

December 16th, 2010

It was a day I woke up before the sun did. I got ready as soon as I could and tried waking my sister, so that she could accompany me for the event...but..all efforts in vain..:(..Saggittarian girls, I tell you, worst part is to try waking them from bed early in the morning...They are soooo...aarrghh..more on this in another blog :P...getting back to that day..I wished dad, promised to be back by evening to celebrate his B'day and finally left home alone with hopes to have a great day ahead...I reached the station where Kalpak was waiting for me in a Rick. We both took the rick directly to the studios..and reached the gate well before time.
Krishnendu had already reached the place before us. He was in search for cards to give Madhuri , as suggested to him by some other fans overnight. Well, his efforts of trying to get a card werent accompolished as all shops weren't open that early. Nonetheless, Kalpak had brought a letter drafted by him to Madhuri from all us fans. We three waited at the gate until Karmagnya reached the place. Once he came , we got inside the studios...we were told to wait until a concerned audience allocating Executive came there. While we waited, we saw Sushant Singh and Ankita Lokhande drive in there, in the same car. They were in their casual outfits so I didn't feel like bothering them to ask for a picture. Both of them looked really great even in casuals.
Smita, who was a prime part of our fanclub had'nt reached as yet and had no chance of reaching the studios for the next 1.5 hours as she was coming from far off. After 9 :30 , we were told to be seated at a shady place inside where there lied a small opening to the sets of the show. We were all eagerly waiting for Smita to come and join us. And finally after killing time for say 40 mins by chit chatting, I got a call from Smita that she had reached the studios. Me and Kalpak went and brought her in to that waiting point. Smita was accompanied by her two brothers who weren't with us at this point as they went in to do some work. Everyone there by now had seen my scrapbook and liked it :) We were all questioning each other that What would we be speaking to Madhuri when we meet her, incase it happened! After a long chat of around 1 hour, we were finally called inside the sets and made to be seated at a place close to the judges seats....Ohhh..sooooo excited we were.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could see many contestants of the show practicing their act, checking in last minute details for their acts there. As also, crew members were arranging the stage properly and the lighting too. Remo was already present on the sets, giving tips to the contestants over their performances. Malaika Arora Khan soon entered in...without much hulaaloo about her entry among the audience or even the contestants..All our eyes were struck at that entry point from where Madhuri Dixit was supposed to make an entry any moment now!EXCITEMENTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

Our eyes then witnessed her coming inside in an yet other amazingly designed saree with her hair ecstatically tied up....And as soon as she entered...there were applauses heard from all over- be it the audiences or even the fellow contestants-that's what personifies the legendary image she holds amongst people till date! She took a bow and went to her seat . She sat in the middle seat, between Remo and Malaika. My eyes were totally struck on her!Various songs were striking my mind resembling that being..."Taakte rehte tujhko saanjh savere, Naino mein basiya jaise, nain ye tere......Tere mast mast do nain..mere dil ka le gaye chain...!"...and soo many more...well thanks to the n no. of Bollywood movies I watch..!..Though photography was strictly prohibited there, I did capture a few moments while she sat there...approximately 5 foot away from us fans...!
We could suddenly hear some girls shouting out " SSSSHAAAAAAHRUKKHHHHH"on the sets......!I was extremely puzzled hearing this...But when I turned around...I saw SRK- Yes the KING KHAN himself, had entered the sets....!!!!!!!!!!!He was there just to meet Madhuri........He gave her a warm hug and went back to his shoot, promising her to meet after her the shoot!...At that moment, I soo wished that Taruna, my sis, who is a die hard SRK Fan.....wud've accompanied me..!..she wud have been OverJoyed!!!!!!...but remember that lazy Saggi story above na?......shes that lazy girl! well...all I wish is her dream to meet him comes true someday...just like mine to meet MD did!:)
And then the show began !...Its soo damn tough to manage shows for all the people involved there..Hats off to everyone working there..from the contestants to the smallest of the smallest crew member...all require immense patience so as to have the proceedings go on smoothly.....It took almost 3 hours for the that episode to wrap up, post which we were told to wait outside, near her makeup van.....!Speechless, Surprised and Scared about what would happen next we waited outside ...And then we saw a bunch of BodyGuards coming towards the midst of them was...GUESS WHO??Yes...SRK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Those guards shooed us far away and SRK entered Madhuri's van..!We were now startled thinking that if SRK is inside to meet MD, how would MD meet us.......?Would we not meet her..?..Or maybe..we would??????

After a short period, SRK left her van and then a concerned manager came to us and told that we were next going inside the van to meet her. With that manager telling me, "Upar van mein aa jaayiye", the numbness on my face could be easily seen. Following me, the entire group entered the van........
As I entered in, I could see her smiling face , standing there and welcoming me...I greeted her with a Hello...She replied with a greet. Everyone of us inside that van were absolutely in awe of her aura and physical presence right in front of us!I gently removed my scrapbook from my bag and placed it in her hands along with a pen for an autograph. She saw the book...the first remark she gave was "LOVELY!" She flipped the pages and turned back to the front page then to sign on it...She asked me before signing, "What's your name?"...What a moment......!!!!!!MADHURI DIXIT.....asking me WHAT MY NAME IS....Now post I told my name to her , I thought that maybe I would begin loving my name forever just because it went to her ears{not that I dunn like my name ha..I love it;) ...U may say..I like it even more post that moment now :P} ...And I replied to her, "Ma'am its Nitesh!".....and she signed on the book specifying 'Dear Nitesh' in the beginning...Before she could close the book, I chose to tell her to open the last pages which had my childhood picture with her poster next to me...Seeing that she had a dazzling smile yet agn on her face..and she laughed saying " this is the proof...that you are my fan since your childhood!"...I replied saying.,"Yesssss Ma'am!!!!!;)" Next what I wanted was a picture with her to make that moment indelible. So I asked for one...She quickly agreed to it.But as soon as I removed my camera, I could see a lotsa glare of lights behind her...So I was like..."Ma'am could you move this side.....?".........pointing at another less lighted side..{Had I gone nuts.......??????HOW THE HELL COULD I ORDER MADHURI DIXIT Like that??????????Thank God she was not get angry on my request...!}..She quickly shifted herself some steps to her left..I clicked some individual snaps of hers first and then went in to have a picture with her....:)...I was expecting to get just one pic......but I came out with 4 pictures..with different poses of us...ALL THANKS TO ALL THE OTHER MEMBERS Especially KALPAK & SMITA who clicked my pics with her....:) Then all the fans had their picture session with her. Kalpak gave MD the letter he had drafted for her...He told her in Marathi to read the letter whenever she was free.She accepted it with a desirable smile and kept the letter on her sofa. Then I removed the Jhalak T-shirt from my bag to get an autograph on that too...I had brought a marker pen with me for getting a permanent sign on it ;)She signed on it too..this time toh without even asking my now she remembered my name :D :D! I told her that I would never ever was that t-shirt now.....and I surely wouldn't...!Smita asked her about twitter as to when would she get regular there. She replied saying that she is always busy and hardly gets time to tweet..Whatever she said, her words became magical to us..!.Those luminious eyes...that million dollar smile..............I FELT LIKE GOD!...Then before bidding a final bye to her all others also took an autograph from her...Before leaving...all others said to her that We were really really lucky to meet her like this in person...for once in life..!:)...To this I replied ,"I am twice as lucky as them then Ma'am!"..She laughed over this. Krishnendu asked her if she was performing that for the next episode by any chance. She said..."No..not performing..only judging :)".We all gave her our heartiest thanks to be kind enough to meet us fans..and then left the van.
We were all overjoyed after we came out.....Our goal of meeting our DREAM IDOL once in our lifetime had come true....Well..twice for me.....So I was DOUBLY DELIGHTED if thats the right word to use to express what I felt...!
After waiting in for few minutes and clicking pictures with some other contestant celebs who were kind enough to agree to pose for a pic like Sushant Singh Rajput, Ankita Lokhande, Renuka Shahane, Daya Shetty, Jay Bhanushali{Maahi Vijj's fiance}, Jay Kumar Nair & Krishna Abhishek, we all departed home. And that was the end such an unforgettable evening..........Who can forget such an amazing experience, temme? I would never ever forget it...Even incase I suffer a brainloss or something, I would try reading this blog again to remember it {LOL-Caution-Am Bad at Jokes!}

Well jokes apart, the above things I experienced in the span of those 4 days...when I met MADHURI DIXIT..not once but twice ...would remain most CLOSEST to my heart all my life. I have been a person who is not the one who has many people close to him in life- Well, its a less known fact that I became an ardent Madhuri Fan only when I had not many people around to share my joys with except my family ...My adoring her grew to a decent level of fanatism only because I mainly had very less friends in school days and was practically non-existent to my colleagues. If you put it up in this way ,it would be apt saying that, Madhuri Dixit has been one of those persona's who is soo attached to my routines entire mechanism that removing her outta it is practically impossible!....I am her well wisher{just like many other fans} and would remain one till the last days of my life. Since you read the above paragraph, now maybe you could get atleast a 1% idea of what experience it was for me to meet someone so close to my heart!Well, just incase you are a Madhuri fan too.{ maybe or maybe not so ardent like me!}...or even the people who have some or the other Personality they are crazy about, all I have to say you guys is that believe in Destiny....I pray for all of you that MAY YOUR DREAMS TOO COME TRUE ONE FINE DAY, JUST LIKE MINE DID!..

PS: The above is NOT the entire detailed description of the experience{ isnt!LOL}...There have been soo many things here and there missed out ...which may or may not have been of importance...Well,one fine day, when become a BIGGG MAN...{Hahha..hope so}, I would love publishing a book regarding my this experience...{Do Buy It..If u remember my blog till that date;)}I may not be a good writer...There might have been stupid and dumb mistakes in the above write-up too..M extremely sorry about it.......Have written this entire blog in the period of 2 days...! plss.try and neglect the negatives..! I have this tendency to keep writing and writing till someone forces me to stop.......So I better stop now.... CYA till the next blog I write..till something worth enough happens again in my life;)..Ciao!Take Care!